Selasa, 20 September 2011

Moneyball Could Be An Oscar Win For Brad Pitt!

According to, a highly trusted film analyst and revenue predictor, Moneyball is generating more buzz than The Social Network.
Welp! If there's anything to get Americans riled up about, it's baseball we guess!
And Brad Pitt…most definitely.
Editor Phil Contrio compares the Facebook and Twitter buzz of The Social Network to Moneyball.
The Social Network, which earned 8 Academy Award nods, received 34,645 "likes" the weekend before the big opening.
Moneyball? It opens Friday and it has 64,073. DAYUM!
As for Twitter, Social Network was mentioned 4,120 times while the latter has been mentioned
5,264 times. Wow!
Well one thing is for sure! It's definitely going to have a hell of an opening weekend!
Are U going to see Moneyball? If UR not, clearly UR not with it.

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